Article on say no to crackers diwali

People wait every eagerly for this special festival of diwali. Spread this message with others by this we can save our earth. But thanks to the awareness about the health as well as the. You can write slogans on say no to diwali crackers or rather slogans that say use of ecofriendly crackers that are available these days in each and every shops. Diwali or deepavali is a festival of light signifying victory of good over evil and light over darkness. Diwali fireworks are a family event in many parts of india. We have negotiated the slogans on say no to crackers in english and assign in this article with all your easy rangoli designs for diwali beloved ones. Thanks for watching my video and wish u all a happy diwali. Citizens, traders say no to chinese crackers this diwali with colourful decorations, sparkling lights and abundance of sweets, people across hyderabad are ready to celebrate diwali. The residents have vehemently said no to crackers as they believe that diwali is the festival of lights, not sound. Say no to crackers as all of you know when diwali is round the corner, people let off tons and tons of toxic pollution into the environment. Air pollution is the 5th largest killer in india, in a bid to motivate people to go green this diwali, various celebrities have come forward and urged their fans to celebrate the festival of light without crackers.

It is not wise to burn money on crackers when people in our country are dying of. We need to take measures to control the use of firecrackers so we do not hamper the. Students of alphores educational institutions took out a massive rally on monday educating people to say no to crackers and yes to earthen. Fine, i was bit afraid and used to be away from bomb, rocket but it was fun. Come diwali and one can hear the sounds of firecrackers exploding from all directions. Joint secretary of the ima, dr anil goyal, urged the public to have a safer diwali by.

Say no to crackers this diwali for the sake of children. Article on say no to crackers during diwali in about 150. Say no to crackers this diwali an ongoing campaign by dlf place saket. Paragraph on diwali without crackers ecofriendly diwali. Most of the people now use heavy heavy crackers to just burst them out without any reason which makes the air polluted very badly. Diwali the festival of lights is here and when it comes to diwali, bursting crackers is something that comes with. The notion of festival of lights missing crackers might be startling for you with fledgling. Let us not let this beautiful festival be marred by the evil of pollution. Say no to crackers this diwali patna news times of india. Slogan on diwali check out these diwali eco friendly diwali slogan, messages to motivate your dear ones to celebrate safe and smoke free diwali. Diwali devoid of fireworks is considered incomplete.

India is a land of festivals and while talking about diwali, everyones eye lit up with the excitement to burn crackers, but is it worth all the air and noise pollution. Send check out these special say no to crackers slogans posters images paragraph to others on different social media ecofriendly diwali quotes in hindi in the name of crackers for say no to crackers. Short paragraph on say no to crackers edgearticles. The word diwali means rows of lighted lamps, and diwali is known as the festival of lights because houses, shops and public places are decorated with small earthenware oil lamps called diyas. Firecrackers are known to cause air pollution as well as noise pollution and are extremely harmful for senior citizens. Say no to crackers slogans happy diwali 2017 diwali. Read more about say no to crackers this diwali for the sake of children.

It is the most important and favorite festival of everyone, specially for kids and children. Home lifestyle variety save environment, say no to firecrackers this diwali save environment, say no to firecrackers this diwali light up the world this diwali in a new, clean way. In order to write down creative ecofriendly diwali quotes in english, you can easily find it on the internet and write down those slogans too. Usually for kids, diwali begins with the excitement of buying the latest crackers and wraps up when their stock runs out. Say no to crackers this diwali an ongoing campaign by dlf. Drawing on the theme of say no to crackers and celebrate eco friendly diwali. Were sure many would raise the question why theres an outrage, or rather a plea only during diwali, but here are seven reasons that might just convince you to give up bursting crackers this year.

Say no to crackers slogans status posters banners images. In a bid to curb air pollution, the supreme court of india imposed a partial ban on fireworks ahead of the festive season. Crackers cause noise pollution and this is not good for older people. Let each one of us take a pledge this diwali to say no to firecrackers and invest in a safer and greener future. We must all pledge to say no to crackers to save our environment. But when i see, todays kids, all they get from school say no to crackers, government making appeal lets have a peaceful diwali and parents saying crackers are expensive. Diwali quotes, diwali slogans, diwali wishes by nanno. Read more about say no to crackers, alcohol on diwali. Diwali is the festival of lights and we must enlighten our lives with the sparkle of joy and goodwill, forget past grievances and look ahead towards a brighter and happier future. Delhi is already covered with smog and this diwali, the crackers will add to it. Short paragraph on diwali without crackers edgearticles.

Pti photo say no to crackers photogallery at etimes. Celebrate diwali with family and friends not with firecrackers. School students display banners against use of crackers during diwali in amritsar on october 22, 2008. It is a festival of lights, not of fumes and firecrackers. This is the message of rural development minister jairam ramesh who feels that diwali should be celebrated by. The participants dipped crackers and other items in water kept in a bucket to register their resolve to boycott the use of fireworks. If you have not read this article about crackers and child labor behind. Diwali is a beautiful festival and we must retain its beauty and sanctity by saying no to crackers. The primary cause of this harmful pollution is certainly the use of firecrackers.

People of all age groups are fascinated with firecrackers, which form a prominent part of the diwali celebrations. Where we see all this love joy and happiness we also do the pollution which is done on this particular day. Crackers pollute the air and this can cause a lot of breathing problems in both kids and adults. Slogans on diwali find best and catchy diwali slogan. Diwali is a festival of lights by lighting lamps everywhere. Essay on noise pollution during festivals in nc essay on noise pollution. No crackers this diwali, say virat kohli, arjun kapoor. Slogan on diwali, safe eco friendly diwali slogan dgreetings. Maam i would like you to know that according to the statistics provided by the indian government, in that single dayon diwali itself the crackers burnt lead to 70% more pollution that is caused by the smoke emitted by cigrattes and 3040% more than your cars. I am not going to explain in detail my reasons, as they have been done quite brilliantly by many people in this thread already. The festival of diwali is a great contributor of pollution due to firecrackers. Say no to crackers and embrace the festivals of lights by eating sweets and cracking waves of laughter. Dont forget the nature at diwali instead your bad habits. Save environment, say no to firecrackers this diwali the statesman.

Cracker free diwali is not only a way to revive the true spirit of the festival but also to save the earth from getting more polluted. Essay on pollution due to diwali diwali is the most famous indian festival. The supreme court categorically refused to ban people from bursting firecrackers during diwali, saying it might be dangerous to infringe into the common mans right to enjoy his religi. But it is time we all need to say no to crackers and let us know why. By no stretch of imagination can diwali be placed next to crackers, but a large fragment of indians unbelievably believe so. I gave up on fireworks when i was 8 because i saw images of kids who were barely a. Celebrating diwali with just lights, candles, decorative bulbs and distributing sweets has been a very ideal concept in the minds of many. Diwali is a holy festivals that brings joy, peace and happiness. Students participate in a rally organized by the jignyasa trust in thane on october 26, 2008 to help people say no to diwali crackers that cause air pollution. Indian medical association ima, on diwali, has asked people to avoid bursting firecrackers and abstain from consuming alcohol in order to prevent health hazards. Say no to crackers on this diwali short slogans status poster banners images. Diwali is the biggest festival of india say no to crackers posters images banners. Ecoclub of the school must play a vital role in spreading mass awareness among the students, parents and school. Do you not know how to celebrate diwali without crackers.

The responsible citizens here are saying no to chinese crackers this festive season, which do not only pollute the environment but are hazardous for. This despite the fact that the say no to crackers slogan is not a recentlycoined one, and environmentalists have been saying it since decades. Say no to crackers lets celebrate a pollution free diwali. A few days back when i went to pick up my child from school, i saw another boy singing happily to himself i am going to buy fire crackers for diwali, i am going to buy fire crackers for diwali. Wish you all a very happy diwali festival in advance. Diwali falls between midoctober and midnovember in autumn season. It also said that the students should be motivated to say no to firecrackers. The phrase, diwali without crackers, is often referred to as ecofriendly diwali. Short essay on diwali for students in easy words read. They can give rise to accidents,if not handled carefully. Diwali is the biggest and most famous of the hindu festivals.

Here happy diwali wallpapers photos say no to crackers speech, eco friendly slogans, say no to crackers quotes, say no to crackers slogans 2018 on whatsapp, best slogans on say no to crackers. In its diwali crackers to no say on essay this broadest sense. So much so that people have been blatantly ignoring the environmental hazards associated with it and continued to burst crackers in celebration. The apex court fixed a time duration for bursting crackers, a twohour window between 8 pm to 10 pm on diwali. Here is why we should encourage kids to celebrate a green diwali. Diwali also known as deepavali the festival of lights is a hindu festival. Bursting of crackers leads to air pollution,noise pollution,land pollution,etc. Diwali for kids need not be boring just because you say no to crackers. Why you should say no to crackers this diwali bigwire. Essay on pollution due to firecrackers for students 500 words essay. Say no crackers let us come together to celebrate a pollution free diwali this year let us have a smoke free and breathe free diwali. Festive season of diwali, chhat puja, guru parva, etc.

When you burst firecrackers on diwali, spare a thought for the hundreds of children who are illegally employed in cracker units. Save environment, say no to firecrackers this diwali the. But does it ever cross our mind why crackers are a strict no in diwali, let us read further to know more. Cant ban firecracker bursting on diwali, says supreme. It is one of the biggest festivals of hindus, but is also celebrated by sikhs, jains and buddhists.

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